C.T. Arancia Ribera DOP


The Consortium for the Protection of the "Orange Ribera of Sicily" was established in 1994 following the need of the citrus producers in the area who were already suffering from the competition exerted by similar productions from other citrus-growing realities. It aims to guarantee and distinguish the "Orange of Ribera" product, its characteristics, its origin, also through promotional initiatives aimed at encouraging the marketing and consumption in national and foreign markets, as well as the promotion of associations that ensure a more rational and efficient management of marketing.


Vaniglia Apirena

Vaniglia Apirena

It is a blonde cultivar without a navel and originated from a bud mutation of Vanilla with seed, which took place in the Ribera area and subsequently spread throughout the area under the name of Ribera seedless Vanilla. It is the only vanilla variety with very low acidity (acid-less 0.06 - 0.15%), seedless and with reduced thickness from the films of the wedges existing in the world. The fruit can be harvested from December to May. The seedless vanilla orange is preferred and recommended for those who suffer from gastric and intestinal disorders, as it has a very low acid content. The spheroidal fruit is medium in size. The peel is light orange in color, with an average papillate surface, of medium thickness, easy to remove. The pulp, without seeds, is light orange in color, tender, pulpy and very sweet, not acidic, with a delicate taste reminiscent of vanilla. The analysis of the sensory profiles confirms the dominance of the vanilla flavor, a medium crunchiness and gustative persistence.

Brasiliano e Washington Navel DOP

Brasiliano e Washington Navel DOP

Both belong to the group of blonde umbilicated oranges, due to the characteristic navel (navel) in the lower extremity that characterize it and identify it all over the world as an orange of excellent quality as fruit and juice. The fruits, spherical in shape, orange in color and medium-large in size, have a fine and firm pulp, of extraordinary quality and without seeds. The juice content is around 40%, with a balanced ratio of sugars and acids that characterize its excellent organoleptic quality. In the Ribera growing area, which is highly suited, it expresses the best qualitative and organoleptic results. In fact, from the analysis of the sensory profiles, the Ribera orange is therefore basically characterized by:

• a good crunchiness and gustative persistence, with fading of the membranes of the vesicles that enclose the juice, which make it particularly suitable for consumption as fresh fruit;

• the high "sweetness", the absence of bitterness;

• a balance in the scents of aromas and flavors (citrus, exotic fruit and vanilla).



It too is a navel blonde variety, but with a less pronounced navel than the Washington. It differs substantially for its earliness which allows it to be put on the market in early November. It adapts to cultivation in different environments. The fruits, spherical or obvoid in shape, have a very intense orange color and a medium-large size. The pulp, without seeds, is medium-grained and firm and sweeter than Washinton. The juice content is around 38%, with a balanced sugar-acid ratio. From the analysis of the sensory profiles, the Navelina di Ribera is also fundamentally characterized by:

• a good crunchiness and gustatory persistence, with dissolving of the membranes of the vesicles that enclose the juice, which make it particularly suitable for consumption as fresh fruit;

• greater "sweetness", the absence of bitterness;

• a balance in the hints of aromas and flavors (citrus, strawberry and vanilla).


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